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Aremu Abraham Felicia Foundation Medical Outreach in Apata Ogele, Ogbomoso

The outreach event held on May 17-18, 2024, at the Apata-Ogele community in partnership with the Abraham Felicia Foundation, was a significant success. Organized and managed by a dedicated team of 87 volunteers, the event aimed to provide essential health services to the community.

57 people were seen on Friday (17th), 108 people were seen on Saturday (18th) and a total of 70 (20 on the first day, 50 on the second day) children were attended to within the two days. This accounts for a grand of 235 people that were attended to within the two days of outreach.

On arrival on Friday (17th), we were received by the kabiesi of the town, oba………… and members of the Abraham Felicia Foundation who are already at the location of the outreach and we were given a warm welcome. The first day started with setting up, creating awareness, and attending to patients/ people who have specific complaints.

The outreach included various units such as ophthalmology, laboratory, vitals & anthropometry unit, consultation, pharmacy, children's unit, registration, protocol, counseling, and media units.


1. Registration Unit: This unit Managed the registration process to keep track of attendees and their specific needs. This helped us to have a smooth flow of activities and accurate record-keeping.

2. Anthropometry Unit: Height and Weight Measurements were taken to assess nutritional status and detect any growth abnormalities, and this Provided data for nutritional counseling and growth monitoring.

3. Vital Signs Unit: Blood Pressure and Temperature Measurements were done to detect hypertension, fever, and other health concerns. This helped us identify individuals at risk of cardiovascular diseases and infections.

4. Laboratory Unit: Blood samples were collected and tested for various conditions such as RBG (Random Blood Glucose), RVS (Rapid Viral Screen), RDT (Rapid Diagnostic Test), HBsAg (Hepatitis B Surface Antigen), Hepatitis C, Tuberculosis test, pregnancy test, and urinalysis to provide quick diagnostics and enabled immediate identification of health issues such as diabetes, viral infections, and hepatitis B, allowing for prompt medical intervention.

Medical Supplies Used During the Outreach:

1. Diagnostic Testing:


Hepatitis B strip

Hepatitis C strip

HCG pregnancy strip

Malaria strip

Typhoid strip

Urinalysis (Combi 10)

2. Medical Equipment:


3. Protective Gear:


4. Wound Care:

Cotton wool

Methylated spirit


5. Injection supply;


Our team consisted of ten (10) individuals who manned the investigation unit and took every necessary precaution to ensure a safe and accident-free environment, both on-site and off-site, and we are pleased to report that there were no accidents or incidents during the entire investigation period.

One-on-one consultations to discuss health concerns, interpret test results, and offer medical advice were conducted. Thus Ensured personalized healthcare guidance and follow-up recommendations.

Eye examinations were conducted to assess and identify common vision problems, cataracts, glaucoma, and other eye conditions.

Early detection and referral for further treatment for those with eye issues and donations of appropriate recommended glasses to those that needed them. A total of 34 persons were seen in this category with a majority between the ages of 35-70years.

Reading glasses were prescribed based on an improvement in visual acuity when indicated. Other medications prescribed were antihistamines, antibiotics, and analgesics. All clients were duly counseled to see an Ophthalmologist appropriately.

The pharmacy unit was saddled with the responsibility of dispensing necessary medications based on prescriptions from the consultation unit and ensuring that patients received the appropriate drugs to manage their health conditions.

For the Children Unit, organized educational activities and basic health checks for children were also done to Promote child health and development through engaging and educational activities. We were able to care for the children medically during the medical outreach program and individualized care was rendered. Below is a breakdown of the income and expenses:

We had an increase in the number of children attending the program, with 20 children on the first day and 50 children on the second day.

The Protocol Unit Oversaw the overall organization and coordination of the event, ensuring that all units operated efficiently to Maintain order and facilitate the seamless execution of the outreach.


The outreach event held on May 17-18, 2024, was highly successful, with significant community participation and positive health outcomes, and a total of 235 people attended. The collaborative efforts of all units and volunteers ensured that a wide range of health services were provided effectively. The event not only addressed immediate health needs but also raised awareness about the importance of regular health check-ups and preventive care.


- Follow-Up: There is a need to do follow-up for some of the people attended to on the outreach ground

-Publicity: There is a need to improve on the publicity and to create more awareness for subsequent events


We want to sincerely appreciate the almighty God, the giver of all grace and privileges, for a smooth outreach. We want to thank the directors and all the team members of the Abraham Felicia

Foundation who extended a hand of love towards us and all the people of Apata Ogele by inviting us and partnering with us in providing all the necessary materials and logistics needed for the outreach, we say a big thank you to them. We also thank the kabiesi of the land for giving us the space to do our job. Special thanks to the woman in charge of the dispensary for receiving us and giving us the necessary support that made our outreach a successful one.